


Workflows are the bread and butter for your automations. These represent all of the steps you want to run that will transform the input you give and give an output, such as a summary a blog.

Each workflow consists of a start node, an end node and in between them are your actions which will run sequentially in the order you set them up.

Creating a workflow

To create a workflow you have two options, both of these options are accessible from the dashboard.


The first option is to click on the Create Workflow button on the top right, this will create a blank workflow with the start and end step and a placeholder step for you to populate with your desired action.

The second option is to create from a template, on the bottom part of the page you see the list of templates we have available, when you click on one you will be able to read more on what it does, see image below.


Once you click on Use Template, it will then create a workflow using the steps required to achieve this use-case.

Note: When you create a workflow from a template that has the “Quick Run” tag on it, it will redirect you first to runner page.


Once you have created your workflow they will appear in the dashboard for easy access. If you have published your workflow, you will see the additional Run button, which will let you run your published workflow.


Running a workflow

Running your published workflow is an easy and satisfying thing to do. Once you have published your workflow, you can click on the Run button and this will open up the workflow run page, it should look like this.

Here you will see the fields you configured in the Start Step of your workflow.


Fill out the fields with the corresponding data and click Run Workflow, you will then visually see the workflow running it’s magic and updating you on what’s going on.


After it’s done you will be able to see the results of your workflow in the format which was configured in the End Step.


For more info on Start and End Steps, check out: Start and End Steps.

Editing a workflow

Editing a workflow can be complex, but we have a dedicated page to walk you through the aspects of achieving this and becoming a master.

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